... An Unconventional Resource for Business and Technology

Vita Sage Sudden View Solutions Blog Contact

(Note - As of August 1, 2008, I have accepted the position of General Manager for
Sierra Computers. Contact me there if I can help with any of your business or technology challenges. I'll leave this page up for anyone interested in my history.)

Objective - I seek simple solutions to complex problems, often in unconventional ways.

Why unconventional? - Convention rarely yields the best results. It's often layered and burdened by its own history. The modern automobile, Microsoft Windows and website are all vivid examples of convention.

Essential - In contrast, this site is NOT typical web candy. I don't waste time with dancing logos, gradients or fading menus. I don't conform to the standard corporate look. The only animation serves an important function; the font is mono-spaced for a reason. I like to keep things essential and effective.

Consulting - It's the same with my consulting style. I focus on function over fashion. My education doesn't conform. More significantly, I have no secret formula or standard approach. I'm not even very specialized. But I DO have a great deal of experience along with an impressive history. And I find unique solutions to challenging problems.

Technology - I'm effective with hardware design, from discreet logic on up. And I'm even better with software - you pick the language. Plus, I've worked extensively with small business creation, marketing and development. But my real strength is understanding the essential nature of any system, whether it's circuits, software or people.

Business - I've worked for organizations, large and small, but for most of the last 25 years I've managed my own businesses. During that time I've also consulted for others in operations and marketing. I'm a generalist with a bias for yield. I seek the minimum resource that produces the maximum result. Or as Colin Chapman said...

"Simplify, then add lightness".

Rod Coleman


Creative Solutions
Humboldt Auto Supply
Lynch Communications
Sage Computer
Minor Projects
Sudden View
Burning Man


Sudden View
Sage Computer
Sudden Disruption Blog


"Unlike previous programmers, Rod Coleman showed me that the basic structure and logic of our previous repricing scripts were fundamentally flawed. This was an amazing contribution. If we had selected someone else, I fear we would have wasted another year or longer. I recommend Rod with enthusiasm!"
Carol Miller, 0wner, Grassroots Books

"Rod is an experienced developer and business analyst. He has the ability to quickly understand business challenges and apply technology solutions that drive productivity and deliver quantifiable results."
Steve Cerocke, President, IQ Systems

"Rod Coleman came in at the 11th hour, was up to speed within days, and helped us complete our design project on-time six weeks later. His contribution allowed us to win the bid for construction on a major contract with Sprint. Rod is to be commended and recommended."
Laurie Pennie, HR Manager, Net-Com Inc

"My firm has retained Rod Coleman as a consultant on a consistent basis over the last 6 years and I'm happy to recommend him to anyone considering him for either technical (electrical engineering, software, etc) or business projects.

Rod has been invaluable to me as a business adviser because he consistently finds and focuses on problem areas in our business and helps me fix them. Unlike the plethora of "business coaches" out there who come in and tell you what you already know but cannot help when it's time to implement the solution, Rod identifies issues, then jumps in and helps fix them. He has a technique of asking pointed questions and working with staff members in ways that do not alienate them."
Darren McBride, CEO, High Rely


 Rod Coleman
 Sudden Incorporated
 12245 Spruce Lane
 Reno, Nevada 89511
 rodzq a t a t
Download Resume.doc
Download Resume.html
Download Resume.rtf

Creative Solutions

Coaching - If you just need guidance with your business, marketing, technology or process, I can not only show you HOW, I can explain WHY.

Evaluation - If you need an objective opinion of your business, I will provide the critical analysis regarding your plan, staff, compensation, finance, performance or operation.

Operations - If you need someone to step in and build a team or help a current group become more effective, I have a rich history in most aspects of day to day business operation.

Marketing - If you're looking to define your position, or seeking the best way to establish it, I can help make sure your message connects with your target.

Technology - If you're bogged down with delays, or are having trouble deciding where to start, I can help you reach a conclusion as to basic viability and realistic schedules for technology, design or coding projects.

Hardware - Working with your existing team or solo on small projects, I can help you get from prototype to production in the shortest amount of time - WITH an effective design.

Software - Starting fresh or cleaning up old code, I can help with the complete software design, from concept to coding, test and debug.

Documentation - It's often an afterthought, but still critical for a successful product launch. External input generally improves the quality. I can provide that perspective.

Web Advocate - If you have a service or product I can honestly endorse, I will help you create content for organic SEO, providing a long lasting and valid search rank on the web.

Burning Man - If you want feedback on your latest art project or you wish to create a structure that will stand up to the playa wind, give me a call.

There are lots of other ways I can help. Read my blog for ideas. Even better, try Sudden View. It should help you understand my design approach...

... and lack of it.


Humboldt Auto Supply
Lynch Communications
Sage Computer
Minor Projects
Sudden View
Burning Man


 Rod Coleman
 Sudden Incorporated
 12245 Spruce Lane
 Reno, Nevada 89511
 rodzq a t a t
Download Resume.doc
Download Resume.html
Download Resume.rtf

Read My Blog
Try Sudden View

Business Experience


  • Requirements Analysis
  • Work-flow Documentation
  • Business Development *
  • Product Research
  • Product Planning
  • Financial Analysis
  • Business Plans *

Research & Development

  • System Design *
  • Product Architecture *
  • Specifications
  • Project Management
  • Hardware Design *
  • Software Design *
  • Patent Review
  • Documentation
  • Testing


  • Needs Analysis
  • Product Positioning *
  • Trademark Research
  • Product Management *
  • Pricing Review
  • Distribution Planning


  • Sales Management *
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Sales Promotions
  • Product Roll-outs


  • Accounting *
  • Risk Management
  • Inventory Control *
  • Purchasing *
  • Payroll
  • Cash Management *
  • Facilities Development

Software Applications

  • Teco
  • Quattro *
  • Word Perfect
  • MS Office *
  • Open Office
  • QuickBooks *
  • BusinessWorks *
  • Peachtree
  • Mas 90
  • DBase III
  • Foxbase
  • Paradox - PAL *
  • Delphi *
  • SAL
* Extensive

Technology Experience

Hardware Design

  • Intel 8008 *
  • Zilog Z-80 *
  • Mostek 6502
  • Motorola 6800
  • Motorola 68000 *
  • Motorola 68020
  • Motherboards *
  • Disk Controllers *

Assembly Languages

  • Intel 8008 *
  • Intel 8080
  • Intel 8086
  • Intel 80286
  • Intel 80386
  • Intel 80486
  • Zilog Z-80 *
  • MOS Technology 6502
  • Motorola 68000 *

Computer Languages

  • BASIC *
  • IBM RPG II *
  • p-System Pascal *
  • Modula-2 *
  • Borland Pascal *
  • c *
  • c++
  • c#
  • Visual BASIC *
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • .NET

Operating Systems

  • HP TimeShare *
  • IBM System 3 *
  • p-System *
  • IBM VM/370 *
  • MS-DOS *
  • MAC OS
  • Atari GEM *
  • MS-Windows *
* Extensive


My older cousin showed me how to build a telegraph when I was five. He also taught me radio and electronics when I was nine. I taught myself logic and digital design when I was in high school. I took BASIC and FORTRAN during three years of college working on a physics degree until I discovered TTL and microprocessors were not on the curriculum. After that my education became less formal.


Early Experience

I worked at a sawmill when I was in high school. I was a power generation technician in the Army. I also learned to fly in the Army. I drove truck when I was in college.

Next I did land surveys and civil engineering. Then I sold real estate. I used my airplane to show timber and vacation property in northern California. I got my instrument rating because of the constant fog. I also produced and sold poetry and literature on audio cassettes. But mostly, I've worked with computers.

Humboldt Auto Supply

I started as a computer operator for Humboldt Auto Supply, a chain of stores in northern California. I learned the IBM language, RPG-II, then learned accounting. I wrote an inventory control system, and took over management of this office staff. I became controller of the company in just over a year. But I wanted to get back to REAL technology.


Lynch Communications

I moved to Reno, Nevada and got a job programming industrial controllers for Lynch Communications, a telecom equipment manufacture. I learned assembly code. I was promoted to design engineer, averaging over 30% salary increase per year. Over four years I developed products using the 8008, 8086, Z-80, 6800 and 6502. I learned embedded design. I also spent a year coding COBOL & CICS for the IBM/370. I learned business modeling.

FTD Florists

I worked on a consulting project for FTD Florists creating a system test for a Z-80 single board order processing computer which was being manufactured by Lynch.

General Electric

Consulting for GE in San Jose, I designed and coded a system to monitor a number of safety metrics for their nuclear reactor. We used a Z-80 connected by fiber optics into the containment vessel.


Sage Computer

As designer of the Sage Computer in 1981, I ignored conventional refresh and bus standards to design a 68000-based system which became the fastest computer in the world under $4000.

We started the company with personal funds of $25K and produced three prototypes. Investments from family and friends got us to full production. I then acquired venture funding to recruit a manufacturing, finance and marketing team. During our first year of production we doubled revenue every quarter.

I quickly developed international distribution, eventually selling our products in over 30 countries. This was followed with domestic sales offices in Boston and Dallas. I directly managed the sales team from Reno.

We continued to develop new products and in 1984 were awarded "Computer Product of the Year" by Electronic Products magazine.

As president, I helped grow the company to annual sales of ten million dollars with just over 100 employees. I know how to design hardware. I know how to hire an effective team. I know how to manage fast growth from a lean start.

(If you'd like more detail, the link at the top of this section is a site prepared by a Sage collector. The link to the right is a history I wrote for the Vintage Computer Festival.)

Sage History

"If Rod had a new idea and called me to go to work for him for no pay I'd do it in a heart beat." - Jonelle Lewis, Sage employee.


I defined a more modest business plan for my next start up, Cimarron Computer. My wife and I started with $20K and within a few years bought out a competitor to become MicroAge-Reno. Over 15 years we built the franchise into Reno's primary technology source with sales of over five million dollars per year and 17 employees, all funded from profits.

As General Manager I directly handled administration and purchasing as well as managed the sales group. I also developed custom inventory and order processing systems. I know small business operations. I know how to manage technical projects.


In 1994, I helped design and develop a building to house MicroAge. No, I'm not an architect, but it is an interest. I worked with Michael Bell of The Worth Group to create an effective passive solar design - our lowest power bills of the year were in January. And it was all done with conventional materials. The project came in under budget and only 4 days late. We operated there until 2001 when the business was sold to Sierra Computer - where I continue to consult.

Minor Projects

Over the years I've also worked on the following minor projects.

Nod - The "Nod" hands-free pointing device using a quadrature detector to track head movement. (Conceptional design and patent application)

MicroSage - Motorola 68020 main board design for a MicroSage UNIX system (Hardware only).

Xebec - Hard disk controller for Xebec Inc. (Hardware & software design managing 3 other people).

First Class Peripherals - Remote diagnostics communication and reporting system for First Class Peripheral's CRM (Customer Resource Management) system. (Software only).

State of Nevada - Help define smog analysis data standard representing the State of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (Software & legislative committee work).

Adventure Travel - I was brought in to prepare Adventure Travel for liquidation after the manager left with some of the assets. (Employee termination and asset evaluation)

Pendi - I helped write control software and do research testing for a magnetic resonance non-invasive glucose transducer. (C++ software)

Angel Eyes - This was a conceptual system design for a child tracking product using low-power radio technology. (Research and initial design)

Washoe County - I was a member of the Washoe County Grand Jury from December of 2004 until June of 2006. (Mostly indictments)

For various other customers I have developed internal order processing, invoicing, customer relationship management and inventory control systems using Paradox, FoxBase, C++, Visual Basic, SQL and Delphi. I've done Palm Pilot conduit development using Code Warrior and various customer web development using TCP/IP, HTML, XHTML, Flash, Javascript and Java.


Creative Solutions
Humboldt Auto Supply
Lynch Communications
Sage Computer
Minor Projects
Sudden View
Burning Man


Sudden View
Sage Computer
Sudden Disruption Blog


 Rod Coleman
 Sudden Incorporated
 12245 Spruce Lane
 Reno, Nevada 89511
 rodzq a t a t
Download Resume.doc
Download Resume.html
Download Resume.rtf

Sudden View

Sudden View is a radical text editor I created in 1989 as an experiment in user interface design. It was originally written in Modula-2 for the Atari ST.

In 1996 I ported it to Windows and have continued to develop it over the years. Since I've had requests from prior customers, I decided to clean it up and post it as unlimited shareware. Sudden View is a good example of how I think about design.

First, I strip away all convention, leaving only the most critical need. Then I seek the elements which yield disproportionate advantage, letting them define the solution. Finally, I conform as much as possible without yielding the primary objective.

In the case of Sudden View, I visualized freeing the text from the surface of the paper metaphor, as opposed to cutting and pasting like a typesetter. Assembly code for display speed and storing text in a custom database allowed me to define a whole new user interface. Remember, this was 1989. Resources were critical.

Since then I've gone back and conformed where I could without compromising the key advantages. At only 129 Kbytes, Sudden View's code size demonstrates a fast and simple design, with a radical result. Give it a try. You'll see what I mean.

"Sudden View was incredible. It was like a paint program that used text instead of colors." - Dana Jacobson

Download Sudden View

Burning Man

During the last several years I've done a number of projects for various Burning Man camps. Some of have been fabric art, some mobile and some structural. It's a great venue to push the limits and try new ideas.

One excellent example of getting the most out of the least, is my stressed-skin shelter. The key to the design was to have the tarps (held by ball bungees) provide the stress to keep the PVC arches in a plane where their strength is greatest.

Weighing only 400 pounds at a cost of only $500, it provided 2000 square feet of shade (enough to park four motor-homes and lots of tents).

AND it survived greater than 40 MPH winds.

That's getting a lot for a little.

Which for me is the whole point.

So if you're looking for the solution you wouldn't expect...


 Rod Coleman
 Sudden Incorporated
 12245 Spruce Lane
 Reno, Nevada 89511
 rodzq a t a t
Download Resume.doc
Download Resume.html
Download Resume.rtf

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